Sunday, December 13, 2015

Starbucks, Dancing and the SSATs

It's 8:48 in the morning on Sunday, December 13th, 2015. I woke up about an hour ago, yet I've only left my bed once, and that was to grab my laptop from my desk - which is approximately four feet away - so that I could type this post. 
I'm exhausted, pretty sure I'm sick and I really want Starbucks right now. Preferably a trenta caramel frappe with whipped cream (hey, don't judge - I really like frappuccinos and I really want caffeine right now). But because it's early and I'm too young to drive, I will not be getting a trenta caramel frappe with whipped cream this morning.
And that, my dear readers, concludes Life Problems With Annabelle Brown. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Sorry. That wasn't even funny. Like I said, I'm tired.

So, moving on from that terrible joke (if you could even call it that - btw, you couldn't) that I kind of want to delete but am not going to... 
It's been like two days since I last posted. I'm really sorry about that. A lot has happened since then. Nothing that's actually interesting, but a lot has happened.
I'll start with Friday.
My school had a dance. It was fun. I'm pretty sure there were less than thirty people and nobody really danced with another person - slow dancing, that is - unless you count one couple who danced for about thirty seconds, but other than that it was an enjoyable night. There was food, drinks and games in a separate room for those who didn't want to dance. I took a lot of pictures and spammed the people following my finsta. Overall, it was a pretty successful night, especially if you take into consideration that my dinner was three snack-size packages of Skittles and my dessert was two peppermint chocolate cookies.
On Saturday I took the SSATs. I'm pretty sure I failed, but I have accepted that. 
I am not taking those tests again. The first time was bad enough.
For those of you are lucky enough to not know what the SSATs are, let me explain.
SSAT stands for Secondary School Admissions Test. Basically, if you want to get into a private high school you have to take them. They are terrible and I hate them more than anything.
Actually, I probably could've avoided taking them. I kind of want to go to public school. Dammit.
Testing was at this private school about half an hour away from my house. I had to get there by 8:30 and the test started at 9. There were six sections:
  1. The first was a writing one, where you could either write a short story based on a prompt they gave you or an essay with a pre-selected topic. I chose to write the story because I dislike essays with a burning passion (though I do prefer them over presentations).
  2. The second was math. This was torture. It was like 9:30am and I had to do math. I mean, come on people! Math that early in the morning? Who came up with this?!
  3. The third section was reading comprehension. Some of the passages were really boring and I kept spacing out - don't judge, it was early and I was tired and I wanted to be back in bed - but other than that it wasn't terrible. I still think I failed, but at least some of the stuff I was reading was semi-interesting.
  4. The fourth was verbal reasoning. This wasn't so bad, but I think I still got at least half of it wrong. I know I got this one question wrong - I don't think I'm supposed to like talk about the questions on the SSATs, so I won't tell you what it was - and I'm really mad at myself because I totally should've gotten it right! It's a word they use in Pretty Little Liars a lot, and do you know how many episodes of Pretty Little Liars I have watched in the past month?
  5. The fifth was math. Again. This section was a little harder than the second, which basically made me want to scream in agony and pain.
  6. The sixth section was super quick because it was only like fifteen questions (maybe sixteen, I can't remember).
There were two breaks: a five minute one in between sections one and two, and a ten minute break in between sections three and four. The test took about three and a half hours to complete, including breaks. I hated every second of it. Except for the breaks. Those were fun.
I'm pretty sure those tests broke my brain. I was exhausted the rest of the day.
Well, either the tests broke my brain or I'm just sick (see, Annabelle, this is why you don't wear camisoles outside in the middle of winter). I think it might be a bit of both.
The only funny thing about the SSATs is that my friends and I think we found a typo in the second math section of the test. We were laughing about it at the end of the test. Hehe.
Other than that, they completely and totally sucked and I never want to take that test again. So I really hope I did decently.

Wow, that was really boring, wasn't it? I'm sorry. I'll try to have a super interesting week the next seven days.


(P.S. It's now 9:33am, not 8:48.)

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