Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Starbursts, Dates and Productiveness

It's 8:53pm - one hour and seven minutes until bed time (a time that is much earlier than when I actually fall asleep) - and I'm sitting at my desk, comfortably curled up in a pile of blankets, listening to 5 Seconds of Summer and writing this blog post when I should be doing homework.
Oh well.
I'll just wake up half an hour earlier tomorrow morning and get it done.
Haha. IMPORTANT LIFE TIP: don't be me when it comes to homework, or anything else that needs to be finished.
Seriously. I'm writing a blog post that sucks and eating Starbursts at 9:02pm and I still have at least half an hour's work to do on my presentation on the Vietnam War.
Ah, screw it. I'll finish this first. It's more fun.
Um. Don't tell my teacher I said.

Not much has happened since Sunday.
I visited a high school on Monday.
My friend and I went to the mall on Tuesday. He almost set me up with his neighbor ("almost" because the boy has a girlfriend. I'm still mad about it, even though my friend promises that he didn't know. Ugh. Boys. *sigh*) and I got my other friend a doge t-shirt. We also got Starbucks - he got a hot chocolate and we later went back to get him a refresher, while I just got a refresher - and candy (mini Starbursts and Swedish Fish, two of my all-time favs).
Those are pretty much the only interesting things that have happened to me since Sunday. My life isn't being very chaotic or insane right now. I apologize. 
It'll probably bore you to death, but y'know, I need something to write about.
So, at the mall, my friend and I were playing Truth, and he asked me what my dream date is.
Short Version
We'd spend the day at the beach before going to see a movie (at a drive-in theater) in a pick-up truck, the bed filled with blankets and pillows and curl up in.
Slightly Longer Version
We'd spend the day at the beach. I'd be dressed in my favorite flip-flops (this really cute pair I got at Nordstrom last summer), dark wash cut-offs (my summer essential) and a cute top. We'd run around, splash in the waves, walk along the sand and watch the sunset. The movie playing at the drive-in would be Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect or Harry Potter, and we would cuddle in the truck bed among the piles of blankets and pillows. The date would end with a perfect kiss.
Now, I'm not going to bore you to to death with the complete version - I doubt you guys care about brands of clothes or every second of this perfect date - so I'm going to skip to the more interesting part.
So, after I tell him this, he's like, "Y'know, Darcy has a pick-up truck, and his house on Martha's Vineyard is near a drive-in..."
I thought he was talking about the boy he was trying to set me up with.
It took me a moment to ask.
"Wait, which Darcy are you talking about?"
His reply made me hit him (somewhat playfully): "No, Hemmingway."
Darcy Hemmingway is my ex-boyfriend. Darcy Evans is the boy he was trying to set me up with, the one who ended up having a girlfriend.
I got mad.
It was actually kind of funny.

So, yeah. That's my interesting story of this post. That happened yesterday, on the fifteenth. Let's move on today.

My friends and I are very productive students.
In Spanish class, we spend most of the time drawing and on Instagram (the school gave us laptops. What did they think we were going to do?) and being teenagers. Yet I'm actually really good at Spanish, and so are the other girls in my class. We're pretty cool that way.
The boys, on the other hand, suck, but I don't really care about them that much, so yeah. Moving on.
In science, my best friend and I spent like ten minutes on Google Docs, holding down the "command" and "enter" keys and watching the pages add up. It was fun. I got to two thousand before getting bored.

So, yeah. That's all for today. Sorry for being boring. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow?


(P.S. It's now 9:31. I just spent over half an hour doing that. More time then I spent on English. Haha.)

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